Credentials 101 🍎

Everything you need to know about credentials!

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2 authors20 articles

Custom Credentials 🧑‍🔬

CSV, Google Sheet, API and Subgraph Credentials

Unleashing the Power of Custom Credential Sources for User VerificationDiscover how to leverage custom credential sources for seamless data verification and user engagement.
Collaborative Credentialing: Managing Data with Google SheetsDiscover the advantages of leveraging Google Sheets to manage your data and build personalized credentials for your projects.
Efficient Data Management with CSV Upload: Simplify Your Credentialing ProcessLearn how to create and upload a CSV file in Galxe, allowing for easy and efficient data management.
API Integration for Streamlined Data Management: Simplify Your Credentialing ProcessEfficiently manage credentials with Galxe's API integration. Streamline data exchange and simplify your credentialing process.
REST API Credentials: Simplifying Data Access and Verification on the PlatformLearn to integrate REST API credentials on Galxe for seamless data access, verification, and project enhancement.
Custom Credentials: Using a Quiz on GalxeTransform your audience's experience with the Quiz Credential! Create captivating quizzes that drive campaign interaction.
Custom Credentials: Using Surveys on GalxeCreating and managing surveys can be effortless with Galxe's Survey Credential feature. It's a go-to tool for gathering unique insights!
Custom Credentials: Smart Contract QueriesLearn how to use contract queries in your campaigns. Verify if an address has interacted with or used a smart contract in a certain way.