Twitter Credentials

All Twitter actions, tracked and verified

Operation Team avatar
Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

Twitter is an important social media platform for the Web3 community.

Adding a Twitter Credential to your Campaign is a great way to boost awareness and engagement. It is a very simple and streamlined process that can provide social growth.

Twitter Follower Credential

To reward your Twitter followers on Galxe:

  1. Select Twitter Follower from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the URL of the Twitter Profile you'd like to add and click "Create".

💡 Note:

You won’t be able to use the Twitter Follower Credential immediately upon creation. It takes time to sync the list of followers and sync rate is around 10,000 accounts per hour.

Twitter Followed By Credential

To reward Twitter followers of a specific account:

  1. Select Twitter Follower from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the URL of the Twitter Profile you'd like to add and click "Create".

💡 Note:

You won’t be able to use the Twitter Follower Credential immediately upon creation. It takes time to sync the list of followers and sync rate is around 10,000 accounts per hour.

Twitter Like Credential

To award participants who liked a particular Tweet:

  1. Select Twitter Like from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the URL of the Twitter Profile you'd like participants to follow and click "Create".

💡 Note:

The Tweet needs to be published before you create this credential. It’s suggested that you leave participants enough time for the action by adjusting the Campaign’s claim period.

OR You can add an empty credential first (appears as “Task to be revealed” on Galxe) and replace it after creation.

Twitter Retweet Credential

To award participants who retweeted a particular Tweet:

  1. Select Twitter Retweet from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the URL of the Tweet you'd like to add and click "Create".

💡 Note:

The Tweet needs to be published before you create this credential. It’s suggested that you leave participants enough time for the action by adjusting the Campaign’s claim period.

OR You can add an empty credential first (appears as “Task to be revealed” on Galxe) and replace it after creation.

Twitter Quote Tweet Credential

To award participants who quote tweeted a particular Tweet:

  1. Select Twitter Retweet from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the URL of the Tweet you'd like participants to Quote Tweet

  3. Add up to 3 hashtags of your choice (optional)

  4. Select the number of friends participants should mention (optional)

  5. Click "Create"

💡 Note:

The Tweet needs to be published before you create this credential. It’s suggested that you leave participants enough time for the action by adjusting the Campaign’s claim period.

OR You can add an empty credential first (appears as “Task to be revealed” on Galxe) and replace it after creation.

Quote Tweet Credential is one of the most effective ways to boost awareness for your Campaign, especially with hashtags and friend mentions.

Twitter Space Credential

To award participants who attended your Twitter Space:

  1. Select Twitter Space from the Credential Dashboard

  2. Enter the Twitter Space link and the minimum time participants should stay

  3. Click “Create”

💡 Note:

  1. Twitter Space attendees must meet the minimum participation time to be eligible.

  2. Only participants who have signed in to their Twitter accounts can be captured.

  3. Only participants who attend the Twitter space on mobile can be captured.

  4. Hosts and speakers can NOT be captured.

  5. Due to Twitter restrictions, only 1000 users can be captured. The longer they listen, the more likely they can get the Credential.

It’s important that you communicate the restrictions with your community beforehand.

Explore other popular Credentials on Galxe:

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