Social Credential: Space User Credential Explained
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Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

Using Galxe to Measure and Reward User Activity

Galxe provides a range of measurement fields to help keep track of a user’s points and campaign participation.

Using Space credentials is a lucrative way to recognize and reward user activity, especially those who interact with your Space on Galxe.

Take advantage of the following metrics:

  • Know who follows your Space on Galxe with 'If Followed.'

  • Evaluate loyalty points earned.

  • Verify Historical Campaign Participation.

Using the 'Filter' function allows you to customize your results to find the users who meet your criteria easily.

For instance, you can filter out all traders on Uniswap who have traded for more than 100 days and have traded more than 1000 USD.

⭐️ Tip: Understanding who your Space users are allows you to reward your most loyal users with unique bonuses, exclusive content, discounts, and other rewards.

How to Filter Out Users with Space User Credential

Galxe provides several measurements for keeping track of a user's points and campaign participation.

This article will provide an overview of these fields and explain their functionality.

When filtering out users, you can look for the following metrics to determine whether or not to include them in the list:

If Followed

To check if a user of Galxe follows a Space, a simple boolean variable gets used.

If a user follows a Space on Galxe, the value will return 1 for 'true.' Any other return is 0 or 'false.'

Loyalty Points

Each Space has loyalty points that are earned by completing tasks on Galxe.

You can use loyalty points to measure user interactions with your Space on Galxe.

To learn more about the Leaderboard, refer to this article. 👈

Historical Campaign Participants

The user's campaign participation counts get tracked under this Space, including any campaigns they've joined and any rewards they've earned. 🕵️‍♀️

⚠️ Wait: Double dipping is not allowed!

Participating in a campaign collection will only get counted once.

Enjoy Increased Engagement With Your Galxe Space!

By using a Space User Credential, you can monitor how effective your Space is on Galxe!

The best way to optimize engagement with your Galxe Space is to regularly update the content and activities you offer— what better way to track user behaviour by evaluating Space user metrics!

With a Space User Credential, you can access a wealth of data to help you analyze and refine your Space, enhancing user engagement and increasing reach!

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