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Galxe's Loyalty Point System: Enhancing User Retention and Advocacy
Galxe's Loyalty Point System: Enhancing User Retention and Advocacy

Incentivize and reward community engagement with Galxe's Loyalty Point System.

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Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

The Galxe Loyalty Point System allows projects to reward and recognize their community's participation and contributions. This user guide focuses on creating custom tasks, managing them, and distributing loyalty points using the Galxe API and Discord bot commands.

Features of Galxe Loyalty Point System:

Points and Tier System: Users earn points by engaging on social media, participating in events, and contributing to discussions. As users accumulate points, they unlock new rewards and perks by advancing through different tiers.

Customizable Rewards: Projects can offer personalized rewards like merchandise, tokens, discounts, or early access to products to incentivize user participation.

Gamification: The system includes features like leaderboards and badges to foster friendly competition among users, motivating them to earn more points and rewards.

Analytics: The Loyalty Point System provides analytics and reporting tools to track user behavior, engagement, and the effectiveness of the rewards program. These insights help make data-driven decisions to enhance community engagement and retention.

Benefits of the Loyalty Point System:

Increased Engagement: Incentivizing user participation boosts community engagement, making it more vibrant and active.

Improved Retention: The Loyalty Point System encourages users to stay involved over time, leading to higher retention rates and more loyal community members.

Enhanced Brand Advocacy: Rewarding users for their participation turns them into brand advocates, promoting the project and attracting new users.

Actionable Insights: The analytics and reporting tools offer valuable information about user behavior and engagement, enabling data-driven decisions to improve project effectiveness.

Creating Customized Tasks:

Galxe Space admins can create custom tasks for users to complete and earn loyalty points. Tasks can include participating in events, contributing to discussions, or specific actions.

Tasks can be managed using the Galxe API, with detailed documentation provided to guide the process. Assigning point values and making tasks visible to the community encourages their participation.

Managing and Distributing Loyalty Points:

Space admins can use the Galxe API or Discord bot commands to distribute loyalty points once tasks are completed. The Loyalty Point System provides an intuitive interface for distributing points to multiple users at once, with documentation available for assistance.

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