Grant Voting Power with Galxe's Loyalty Points System
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Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

With Galxe’s Loyalty Point System, there are a number of strategies you could utilize to reward your community. Our “Galxe-loyalty-points” strategy on is specially designed to accommodate projects that don’t issue ERC-20 tokens or NFTs. By using Galxe Loyalty Points, you can easily reward your contributors with voting power on your proposals.

Galxe leverages the Snapshot platform for Loyalty Points voting, which offers a simple and secure way to vote on-chain. If you’re not familiar with Snapshot, check out their documentation on the home-snapshot to get started. You can seamlessly integrate Galxe Loyalty Points to let your most loyal community members vote on gated Snapshot proposals.

For testing purposes, we’ve provided a playground here for you to try things out!

Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Access your Snapshot Space admin and select the “galxe-loyalty-points” strategy.

  2. Since your Galxe Loyalty Points are not tied to any specific chain or snapshot yet, pick whichever chain and snapshot you’d like for testing.

  3. Set up the strategy parameters accordingly.

    "symbol": "PTS",// Voting power unit shows in proposal
    "spaceId":263//Galxe Space ID

  4. Input some addresses to test the voting power of each address, and you’re good to go!

At Galxe, we believe in the power of community, decentralized decision-making, and blockchain technology to drive innovation. With Galxe Loyalty Point System and voting strategy, we’re working to make decentralized decision making more accessible and user-friendly for everyone.

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