The sixth module of Misson Web3 covers non-fungible tokens. (NFTs)
4 articles
Course 1: NFT Deep Dive ft. BlurModule 6 - Course 1 of Mission Web3. Explore the world of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). Follow this module, take the quiz, then claim your NFT
Course 2: How to Buy and Sell an NFTModule 6 - Course 2 of Mission Web3. Learn how to buy, sell & forge NFTs. Follow this module, take the quiz, then claim your NFT!
Course 3: The Future Of NFTsModule 6 - Course 3 of Mission Web3. Learn about rapid changes across industries influenced by blockchain/NFT technology.
Course 4: Security & SoulBound NFTsModule 6 - Course 4 of Mission Web3! Dive into the critical aspects of NFT security & gain insights on how to avoid being a victim in Web3.