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Galxe Web3 Score

Your Galxe Web3 Score offers a comprehensive insight into your Web3 track record, from reputation to assets, compounded into a single score.

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Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

What is Galxe Web3 Score?

Galxe Web3 Score is your way to prove your Web3 skills and abilities.

Navigate to Galxe and mint a subscription so you're always informed of your standing in the greater Metaverse and beyond.

Along with an idea of where you stand in Web3, you can also increase your score and earn some benefits!

Use your score in several ways, from exclusive campaigns to special perks and rewards.

Mint your Galxe Score here.

Keep reading to learn all about Galxe Web3 Score!

How Does Galxe Web3 Score Work?

Galxe Web3 Score isn't just a number.

It's a reflection of your identity across the Metaverse.

From beginners to experts, Galxe Web3 Score offers a comprehensive insight into your Web3 track record. (Updated daily)

Your Galxe Web3 Score will get compared to the rest of the Metaverse! See if you're in the top 30% of Web3 users. 👽

From reputation to assets, your experience and expertise in the decentralized digital world get compounded into one score.

Here's how it ranks you:

  • Experience: Are you a shadowy-super coder? A measure of your on-chain activity.

  • Fame: How notorious are you? A measure of your popularity.

  • Humanity: How real are you? A way to identify real humans.

  • Expertise: What have you done? A measure of your Web3 skill.

  • Assets: What assets do you hold? Tokens, NFTs etc.

⭐️ Tip: Holders of a Galxe Passport are eligible for a 2-month free trial.

What Does My Galxe Web3 Score Mean?

Galxe Web3 Score gets calculated in a few different ways based on your presence across the Metaverse.

Here are some questions to ask yourself when factoring your Galxe Web3 Score:

  • What have you done in Web3?

  • What have you collected throughout the Metaverse?

  • Are you a degen or just starting?

  • How many transactions have you made?

Your score is unique to you! Think of it as your reputation across the Metaverse and Web3.

There are five (5) distinct categories (sub-scores) that make up your Galxe Score👇

Sub Score

What Gets Checked?


How old is your account/address?


How popular are you?


What assets do you hold? Tokens, NFTs, etc


Are you new here or a shadowy supercoder?


How likely are you a real one?

Using Galxe, you can prove you're a human, earn NFTs, increase your expertise, and increase your time on-chain.

To increase your score, engage with the different features of Galxe and greater Web3, and your score will reflect your actions accurately.

Can you reach Level 5 across all metrics? 🤔

⭐️ Tip: You can get a better Galxe Web3 Score by completing Campaigns on Galxe!

After completing all courses in each module and earning NFTs you are on the way to start increasing your Galxe Web3 Score.

Looking for a Campaign?

Learn More About Galxe Web3 Score (FAQs)

There are a few more things you should know about Galxe Score!

Find our frequently asked questions below 👇

1. Galxe Web3 Score Properties

When it comes to your Galxe Web3 Score, there are some details you should know.

It would be best if you took some time to get to know the 'Base Properties' of your Galxe Score.

These properties provide a base for your Galxe Web3 Score:

  • Mint Fee: The cost to mint your Galxe Web3 Score

  • Expiration Date: The date when your Galxe Web3 Score expires

  • Chain: The network where your Galxe Web3 Score is

  • Subscription Fee: The cost to renew your Galxe Web3 Score

The Mint fee is a one-time payment during the first time you Subscribe and Mint your Galxe Score. The 'Subscription Fee' is the cost to renew your Galxe Score on an 'Annual or Yearly' basis.

Check the 'Chain' property to find the network your Galxe Web3 Score is on.

What happens to my Galxe Web3 Score After Expiry?

Regarding the Expiration Date, your Galxe Web3 Score will not update after it expires.

You'll get prompted to renew with a "Renew" option. Continued updates and benefits of your Galxe Web3 Score will require a renewal. (Yearly)

2. Can I use Galxe Web3 Score in my dApp?

Yes! 🙂

You can use Galxe Web3 Score with a dApp and instantly integrate our API and fetch records!

If you want to screen your users based on different characteristics, Galxe Web3 Score empowers you.

Galxe Web3 Score scans the Metaverse and returns a unique rank about an address in a way you can understand!

Use this from targeting a pool of addresses to engaging an entire community with specific scores or metrics.

3. Why Does My Galxe Web3 Score Change?

Your Galxe Web3 Score is an NFT unique to you, and it's dynamic.

It changes as you make transactions, complete campaigns, and navigate Web3.

Galxe Web3 Score gives you a way to measure your address across the metaverse!

To mint a Galxe Web3 Score, you need a wallet! And some crypto to pay for minting and the subscription fee. (Yearly)

ℹ️ Note: You will pay network fees when sending transactions.

They get included in the total before you confirm a transaction.

4. Why Is My Galxe Web3 Score Not Accurate?

Your Galxe Web3 Score may still need to be updated, or you may need to perform more actions on-chain or within Web3 with that address.

Try making some transactions on Galxe to start gaining a score. You can start by taking advantage of Mission Web3 or any other campaign on Galxe.

Once you start earning OATs and NFTs, your Galxe Web3 Score will soon increase.

And, if you recently made transactions, allow a bit of time to pass before rechecking your score.

5. What Benefits Do Galxe Passport Holders Get?

Galxe Passport Holders can mint their Galxe Web3 Score for the first two months free of charge, followed by a discounted rate.

Mint your Galxe Passport here.

6. How Do I Share My Galxe Web3 Score?

Utilize the 'Download' option to compare your Galxe Score with your friends to see how you rank in your group.

⭐️ Tip: Share your Galxe Score on Twitter/X with the hashtag #GalxeScore and see how you rank across Galxe and the Metaverse.

7. Use Smart Savings to get your Galxe Web3 Score!

Web3 Score can be claimed using both Smart Savings and your EVM wallet.

But there is a difference in the rule of debiting for a Web3 Score purchase:

  • If you claim Web3 Score using Smart Savings, the cost of the claim is equivalent to 7.5 MATIC at the market exchange rate (at the time of reviewing this post, it is about $5)

  • If you claim Web3 Score using your EVM wallet directly, the cost of the mint equals exactly what you have chosen as payment: 5 USDT, 5 USDC, or 7.5 MATIC.

To claim Web3 Score using Smart Savings, enable it on the Smart Savings page.

To claim Web3 Score with your EVM wallet, disable Smart Savings on the Smart Savings page and choose "Skip" instead of "Deposit & mint" when paying.

Use Galxe Web3 Score in Your Campaigns

You can use Galxe Web3 Score by adding it to your Campaigns as a credential requirement.

Navigate to the Credential Setup Page and search "Web3 Score" to find the credential.

These are the credentials you can use:

  • Galxe Web3 Score

  • Galxe Web3 Score: Humanity

  • Refer Friends to Galxe Web3 Score

Different types of credentials related to the Galxe Web3 Score will pop up in the dropdown menu, and you can add Galxe Web3 Score to your campaign.

️Tip: With Galxe Web3 Score Credential, you can utilize Sub-scores!

Mint Your Galxe Web3 Score!

Now that you understand the properties, how your Score works, and how your Score will get calculated, you're ready to mint your Galxe Web3 Score! 🧑‍🚀

When you're ready to mint you should see this screen below👇

Along with the Galxe Web3 Score page, to show off your Galxe Web3 Score, check your Galxe profile after minting, and you'll see a change to your banner!

When you mint your Galxe Web3 Score your Galxe Profile will look like this 👇

Check out the Galxe Score: FAQ for quick answers.

If you have any more questions or need assistance reach out to support.

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