Reward Community Members with Discord Roles

Maximizing Engagement and Loyalty through Discord Roles

Operation Team avatar
Written by Operation Team
Updated over a week ago

Discord roles can provide a great way to reward and incentivise members of the server. With it, servers have the chance to foster a stronger sense of community and loyalty within its members, while rewarding the stronger contributors and thus helping to promote the growth of the server.

To create this campaign...

Click “Create Campaign” and select “Campaign” or "Campaign Template".

Fill up the “Campaign Details” Component

  1. Fill in ALL information and click on "Next" to proceed.

    1. Title - Enter the Campaign Title.

    2. Description - Enter a detailed Campaign Description outlining the eligibility requirements for participation.

    3. Campaign Period - Specify the date/time period in which users can complete required tasks and claim rewards or participate in the raffle.

    4. Permission - By setting the campaign to "Permission" mode, it will be hidden from the public view on the Space Dashboard and homepage. Access will be available through direct links, and you can make it public later if desired.

      • Public: the campaign will be visible under the SpacePublic: the campaign will be visible under the Campaign and Space page

      • Private: The campaign will be hidden from the Space page, and only accessible through the specified link


  1. Click on Discord Role

  2. Select the Discord Role you'd like to reward.

  3. You can also create a new role by clicking the "Create New Role" and input the role name.

  4. Click "Next" to proceed.


You can only select Discord Roles of your Space.

How to Participate

  1. Add your Credentials, you'd be able to select a number of Credentials and choose to have participant either fulfil any one(1) or all credential.

  2. Make sure all checkmarks are green ✅ before you "Release" your campaign. If any pages have missing information, you'll see an unlit ✔️. Head back to those pages and enter the necessary information.

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